Water from a well that won’t run dry

May 14, 2019 § Leave a comment

Last night I went to witness the healing power of song by the wonderful Kingdom Choir. I left feeling rejuvenated and full of life.

My friend and choir director sings in the choir to support was my first intention then on the night itself I thought that I would be entertained somewhat. But what I didn’t really expect was to really be ministered to.

There was a song they sang called Chasing. I don’t know the song and I couldn’t catch all the words. But the heartfelt outpouring of those oohs and aahhs and crescendos spoke to each one of us in the venue. A heavenly silence followed as they left the stage to let the message resonate with us.

Never have I witnessed or felt something like that from paying to see a choir. But I didn’t see a choir last night I experienced a choir. We sang and danced together. The whole night from the warm up Phillipa Hannah and her beloved husband Joel to the very last note The Kingdom Choir sang was a transformational, spiritual experience.

Meeting members afterwards was like meeting family. So humble and listening and taking onboard the love and gratitude shown.

Come at a time of mourning for me. Even that was touched on as they talked about the Windrush generation and sang the songs of Zion that they brought to the UK.

A very powerful Monday night.

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